
So, a bit more about me…

I’m a northern girl who has been living in Liverpool whilst at university for the past four years.

Having studied Media, Culture and Communications at university, I felt that my area of study needed to be narrowed down as i finish uni with less of a clue of what i wanted to do, than i had at the start of studying (!) So, I decided to stay on for one more year and complete a masters in Digital Marketing, which I recently completed. It was a challenge swapping to a more business focused course, as i had no prior experience studying business. At times I often questioned my decision, I didn’t know if I had made the right choice, I felt completely out of my depth. It was really difficult going from quite a creative and English based degree to very statistical and data focused (not my particular area of expertise!). But… I stuck at it, I’m glad i did it as i do not think that i would get as good a job as i have now, without the masters.

In the last month of writing my final research project, I got a job as a digital marketing assistant at an IT company for the travel industry. The role is fantastic, and I have already gained so much experience as I  have free-reign on all things digital marketing.

After years of back-and-forth I finally decided to set up this blog. If I didn’t I think I would regret it,  I’ve always enjoyed writing, either stories, articles or opinion pieces, and I saw this as an opportunity to continue to do what I enjoy alongside university, and now my new job!

I hope that you find my content interesting!
